The TV Show

Episode 120: Red Alert for the NFL Red Zone and Christmas TV

Jay Black

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Angelo, Rhea, and Jay are back to discuss the most disturbing TV news of the decade: after years of providing a near-perfect product, the NFL Red Zone has added... commercials.  Cory Doctorow's belief that every good product goes bad as capitalism seeks to claw every red cent out of it is so far undefeated and its latest victim is Angelo's favorite NFL broadcast.  Is it a big deal in the broader context of humanity?  No.  But, it does reveal a larger problem of the things that we love getting worse instead of better!

Then, Jay's son, Keane, joins the podcast to host a very special contest: Angelo, Jay, and Rhea each pitch him on a weird Christmas movie that he hasn't seen before and he judges to see who chose best.  Angelo believes that he's the favorite... and he's probably right.  Please write us and let us know who you think chose the best movie.

All that, PLUS: British corner, a discussion of the best Christmas episodes of television, and a review of Angelo's favorite show this year.

You GOTTA listen to this one!


The TV Show is a weekly podcast hosted by Jay Black, with regular guests Angelo Cataldi and Rhea Hughes. Each week, we dive into the new Golden Age of Television, with a discussion of the latest shows and news.  

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